Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I was born and raised in a non-believer family. When I was young, I lived in an extended family with my grandparents who are very religious. I was sheltered with love and comfort by my family. Showing their support in every achievement I got from school. Just as any average child, my life was quite a happy and comfortable life. In high school, I was the average kid: joined clubs, met friends and got good grades.
My life turned 180 degrees when I entered college. That was the time I have to live all by myself with no one to help me around and tell me what I should do. At those times, I could say that I am free. Free to do everything I want.
During my freshman year, I lived in a small dormitory. Most of my dorm mates are from the upper class and one of them became one of my best friends. At that time, she was involved in one of the Christian organizations in the university, State Varsity Christian Fellowship. She is so friendly to everyone that even (even to freshmen) if I am not comfortable with Christians, she soon became my close friend and mentor. Once, she asked all of us (dorm mates) if we want to have a Bible Study group in our dormitory. We said yes but we never attended any. She also invited us to their fellowship but we never gave her a chance to attend one.
During that time, I never liked to be part of any organizations not even a Bible study group. I always thought that it will only hinder my studies. I also don’t like to be part of a Christian organization because I am never familiar about the things they do. Besides, I am not a bad person. In fact, I’m quite religious and I came from a religious family.
My life started to change when my dorm mate asked me to accompany her in one of the ministry schools of their organization. During that time, she was a volunteer and an understudy in a Bible study group for high school kids. The group meets only in the evening every week. It is a far-flung area located in Mt. Makiling. Public transportation is not accessible so one has to wait for a shuttle bus at a certain time only. I agreed to accompany her in their Bible study despite my reservations about the activity. Soon, the Bible study group I never liked became one of my interests. I was amazed by how kids were so excited to hear God’s Word. Everyone listened and read the verses in the Bible. Everyone participated and shared their stories. I was one of them. That was the time I started to read the Bible.
I became a regular attendee of the Bible Study group in that high school (although it is not allowed). My dorm mate gave me a responsibility in our group which is to make name plates for everyone. At that time, I was not yet a Christian. I just felt loved and appreciated by people because of the things I did.
Every time we have our Bible study group I noticed that the kids are always happy. In my mind, there is something in them that I think I don’t have. In one of our Bible study groups, the facilitator told the kids about Ephesians 2:8-9. It says, “For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.” Those verses struck me. I just can’t believe it. All my life, I did nothing really, really bad. In fact, I always say I’m religious. Then all of a sudden, it just doesn’t matter. God opened my eyes in these verses. Then I realized what my dorm mate always told me. Now everything became clear.
Before, every time people asked me if I already accept Jesus Christ, I quickly say yes. But now, it takes a different meaning. Everything has a new meaning. I even became happy in a different meaning. I realized that these people are happy because they don’t live for themselves anymore. They don’t live for self-inflicted dreams. They always show their love and support to other people not because they call themselves Christians and it’s their obligation but because they do really feel the overflowing love of God. They do have a personal relationship with God.
I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in 2004. That became the moment of my life. I just can’t believe it. After everything I did wrong, I still became part of His Kingdom. I also became a legal volunteer counselor in that school. I started to be an understudy in that Bible Study group and my dorm mate became one of my mentors. Eventually, I became the regular counselor in that school and it lasted for more than four blessed years until I graduate in college.
Until now, I still feel that it was just yesterday when I first know Him personally. I am so amazed on how God changed my ordinary life into an extraordinary life. My natural passion with kids changed into a supernatural passion for the youth. And it all started with a simple “yes” to God.
to be continued...

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